Tremble Before Ulorin Goldmouth (8968443)



  • Marriage (6)
  • Bad luck (1)


Ulorin Goldmouth is an eternal lesser deity who appreciates wisdom. Ulorin is known as the god of Marriage. She is fading in today's world.

Her holy symbol is a cadmium yellow triple apple. Tithings are the preferred form of worship and light flail are the favored weapon.


Ulorin Goldmouth sometimes chooses to appear as a bald elf before her followers, but has been known to take the form of a average height, eternal desert dwarf. She usually dresses in her preferred colors, cadmium yellow and brick.


While in public, priests of Ulorin may wear their holy symbol around their neck, and will often follow a Vow of Stoicism - to speak as few words as possible, often a given word to represent their faith.


Ulorin's followers are devoted, and are often pretentious about their affiliation. Ulorin is thought to have several thousand active worshipers throughout the world. Followers of Gobesh are stiffly organized.