You found a weapon (4444114)


The Magical Axe Of Chavarai is a poor crystal axe with a magical enchantment that causes an unexpected jolt of magical energy. It is in disrepair.


This a poor weapon was created recently by patronizing elf named Chavarai Bluewaker. The enchantment on it causes an unexpected jolt of magical energy. When exposed to orcs, the weapon pulses red in time with your heartbeat. This axe grants the user unnatural intelligence.

Many consider it a mediocre weapon and a minor magical item.


This scroll carries the The Habitual Liar Curse causes the victim to be strongly compelled to needlessly lie, and can only be undone by performing an appropriate selfless act..

Description If Found...

"Forgotten on a shelf you find a crystal axe. It is in disrepair. It makes you feel uncomfortable when you look at the axe. "