Meet Foshsoe Orchaser (2970004)


Foshsoe Orchaser is a young minotaur female who is a gifted cartwright by trade. Foshsoe is motivated to track down a murderer.


Foshsoe Orchaser is a short minotaur with a muddled complexion and brillowy brown fur. Foshsoe appears skinny and has piggish eyes. Her friends describe her as charming, while others see Foshsoe as attractive. Physically, she appears delicate and fortified.


Foshsoe appears compassionate, but if approached, she will act patronizing. When provoked, Foshsoe is craven. Peers consider her clever. People who know Foshsoe think she is honorable. Looking back, she is satisfied of her past choices.

Foshsoe is making ends meet, and is generous with what she owns. Many would consider her lucky and incredibly confident.

Her favorite hobby is wine tasting.

She considers herself a passionate worshipper of the over deity Cak.