Welcome to The Pink Cavern (3101685)


The Pink Cavern is an insubstantial, clean 1 floor bakery. The turf-roofed building faces east, has large windows, and has a brick storefront. Inside, you smell scent fresh bread, you hear fire crackling, and you see fresh rolls.


It is located in a nice neighborhood of the shops district, and is run by an intimidating goblin named Momd Greatfury.


The bakery is known for extravagant prices for the a warm smile, and usually has few visitors. You will find 7 customers in the bakery. Business has been horrible lately. The bakery has a reputation for being open all hours.

Description When Found...

"You come across an insubstantial, clean 1 floor bakery. It has a turf roof, faces east, has large windows, and has a brick storefront. A goblin pastrycook appears to be in charge."