Welcome to The Ruby Cock (7753948)


The Ruby Cock is an insignificant, neat 1 floor beer seller. The tile-roofed building faces west, has clean windows, and has a brick storefront. Inside, you smell beer and hops and you see casks of beer.


It is located in a nice neighborhood of the market district, and is run by a loud mud kobold named Wat.


The beer seller is known for minimal prices for the brews, and is empty during the day but busy in the evening. You will find 9 customers in the beer seller. Business has been stagnant lately. The beer seller has a reputation for being a good place to find rumors.

Description When Found...

"You come across an insignificant, neat 1 floor beer seller. It has a tile roof, faces west, has clean windows, and has a brick storefront. A mud kobold beer seller appears to be in charge."