You found a scroll (6483280)


The Moderate Fury Scroll is a vellum scroll that induces an uncontrollable rage towards others. It is stored in an in disrepair glass tube. The scroll itself is covered with glyphs. The vellum is excellent quality, and the container is in disrepair. It is considered a minor magical item. This scroll was created over a century ago by a koalinth bugbear named Shiiin Papflick.

Warning: Side effects may include nausea, which are temporary.

Danger: This scroll carries the The Reflected Sins Curse causes any damage inflicted on an opponent to be mirrored on the victim, and can only be undone by undoing the original cause. Untreated, the effects of the curse last for a few minutes at a time..

Description If Found...

"Secreted away in a tomb you find a glass tube containing a vellum scroll covered with glyphs. "