Meet Ghazin ehk Essess (1135341)


Ghazin ehk Essess is a juvenile lizardfolk male who is a decently skilled vintner by trade. Ghazin is motivated to flee a following assassin.


Ghazin ehk Essess is a short lizardfolk with a sallow complexion and rough black scales. Ghazin appears skinny and has brooding eyes. His friends describe him as inspiring, while others see Ghazin as repulsive. Physically, he appears sinewy and exhausted.


Ghazin appears nervous, but if approached, he will act resentful. When provoked, Ghazin is brave. Peers consider him brilliant. People who know Ghazin think he is treacherous. Looking back, he is questioning of his past choices.

Ghazin is well off, and is generous with what he owns. Many would consider him unlucky and not very confident.

His favorite hobby is paper crafts.

He considers himself a reverent worshipper of the intermediate deity Maegma of Drogto.