Meet Sanf Blaadfery (4963091)


Sanf Blaadfery is a middle-aged hobgoblin female who is a mediocrely skilled soldier by trade. Sanf is motivated by {u'score': 90, u'name': u'severe'} kosmikophobia..


Sanf Blaadfery is a tall hobgoblin with a muddled complexion and pockmarked, black skin. Sanf appears thin and has glazed eyes. Her friends describe her as off-putting, while others see Sanf as ugly. Physically, she appears herculean and lazy.


Sanf appears contemptful, but if approached, she will act efficient. When provoked, Sanf is bold. Peers consider her average. People who know Sanf think she is honest. Looking back, she is regretful of her past choices.

Sanf is destitute, and is stingy with what she owns. Many would consider her unlucky and incredibly confident.

Her favorite hobby is smiling.

She considers herself a dutiful worshipper of the lesser deity Ezrezat teh Haraera.