Welcome to The Perfumed Mead (3827840)


The Perfumed Mead is an insubstantial, tidy 1 floor winery. The tile-roofed building faces south, has a few windows, and has a lap board storefront.


It is located in a nice neighborhood of the merchant district, and is run by an accusatory koalinth bugbear named Tzingle Whoppooooom.


The winery is known for next to nothing prices for the wine, and is one of the busiest places in town. You will find 10 customers in the winery. Business has been not bad lately. The winery has a reputation for being a pillar of the community. The Perfumed Mead has recently had a fire.

Description When Found...

"You come across an insubstantial, tidy 1 floor winery. It has a tile roof, faces south, has a few windows, and has a lap board storefront. A koalinth bugbear wine seller appears to be in charge."