Tremble Before Kiuzera se Guhess (4924549)



  • Growing things (8)
  • Desert whirlwinds (1)
  • Storm giants (1)
  • Carousing (1)
  • Ropers (1)
  • Stalking (1)


Kiuzera se Guhess is a new greater deity who appreciates piety. Kiuzera is known as the god of Growing Things. He is on the rise in today's world.

His holy symbol is a brown burning bell. Sacrifices are the preferred form of worship and slings are the favored weapon.


Kiuzera se Guhess sometimes chooses to appear as a beautiful vision before his followers, but has been known to take the form of a average height, new lizardfolk. He usually dresses in his preferred colors, brown and aquamarine.


While in public, ministers of Kiuzera may wear colorful gowns, and will often follow a Vow of Humility - to abstain from extolling your own virtues.


Kiuzera's followers are dispassionate, and are often reserved about their affiliation. Kiuzera is thought to have tens of thousands of active worshipers throughout the world. Followers of Gobesh are generally organized.