You found a scroll (6055811)


The Scroll Of Mediocre Zombification is a sheepskin scroll that causes the user to show immediate signs of zombification. It is stored in an intact book. The label on the book is written in an uncommon language. The scroll itself is covered with divine glyphs. The sheepskin is poor quality, and the container is intact. It is considered a minor magical item. This scroll was created several decades ago by a goblin named Dzuzar Foulfury.

Warning: Side effects may include skin to turn an unnatural color, which are temporary.

Danger: This scroll carries the The Maximum Pain Curse causes an enemies damage to always maximized against the victim, and can only be undone by a remove curse spell. Untreated, the effects of the curse last for a few minutes at a time..

Description If Found...

"Buried in a pile of refuse you find a book containing a sheepskin scroll covered with divine glyphs. The label on the book is written in an uncommon language. "