Meet Ganthia Grimrangli (2179187)


Ganthia Grimrangli is an ancient minotaur female who is a reasonably skilled bounty hunter by trade. Ganthia is motivated to broker a truce over escalating tension.


Ganthia Grimrangli is a short minotaur with a radiant complexion and coarse brown fur. Ganthia appears frail and has brooding eyes. Her friends describe her as off-putting, while others see Ganthia as unattractive. Physically, she appears weak and vital.


Ganthia appears surprised, but if approached, she will act grieving. When provoked, Ganthia is tough. Peers consider her clever. People who know Ganthia think she is dishonorable. Looking back, she is questioning of her past choices.

Ganthia is making ends meet, and is stingy with what she owns. Many would consider her unlucky and somewhat confident.

Her favorite hobby is rock stacking.

Ganthia also suffers from migraines.

She considers herself a devout worshipper of the lesser deity Molyn Greenland.