Meet Ulrun Coldhair (6532645)


Ulrun Coldhair is a juvenile dwarf male who is a gifted chandler by trade. Ulrun is motivated to find a safe haven for his family.


Ulrun Coldhair is a tall dwarf with a florid complexion and pimply, greenish skin. Ulrun appears thin and has sunken eyes. His friends describe him as off-putting, while others see Ulrun as ugly. Physically, he appears weak and resolute.


Ulrun appears jealous, but if approached, he will act battle-ready. When provoked, Ulrun is chicken-hearted. Peers consider him clever. People who know Ulrun think he is trustworthy. Looking back, he is questioning of his past choices.

Ulrun is rich, and is stingy with what he owns. Many would consider him unlucky and not very confident.

His favorite hobby is engraving.

He considers himself an overzealous worshipper of the intermediate deity Poduk Eaglemane.