Meet Ilvarinne Skysworn (9610271)


Ilvarinne Skysworn is an adult dune elf male who is an ineptly skilled bookseller by trade. Ilvarinne is motivated by intestinal cramps.


Ilvarinne Skysworn is an average height dune elf with a dull complexion and hairy, tawny skin. Ilvarinne appears chubby and has beady eyes. His friends describe him as obnoxious, while others see Ilvarinne as average. Physically, he appears herculean and resistant.


Ilvarinne appears elated, but if approached, he will act patronizing. When provoked, Ilvarinne is nervous. Peers consider him dumb. People who know Ilvarinne think he is dishonest. Looking back, he is accepting of his past choices.

Ilvarinne is barely getting by, and is stingy with what he owns. Many would consider him unlucky and incredibly confident.

His favorite hobby is spelunking.

He considers himself an overzealous worshipper of the greater deity Bargan Dwarfgem.