Welcome to The Blue Nomad (590794)


The Blue Nomad is a humdrum, crowded 1 floor cutlery shop. The slate-roofed building faces east, has dirty windows, and has a brick storefront.


It is located in a trashy neighborhood of the trade district, and is run by a gambling blood elf named Faelenava Kennyrfeather.


The cutlery shop is known for next to nothing prices for the spoons, and holds the record for worst service in the region. You will find 5 customers in the cutlery shop. Business has been doing great lately. The cutlery shop has a reputation for unpaid bills being bad for your health. The Blue Nomad has recently had concerns over a recent rash of break-ins in the neighborhood.

Description When Found...

"You come across a humdrum, crowded 1 floor cutlery shop. It has a slate roof, faces east, has dirty windows, and has a brick storefront. A blood elf cutler appears to be in charge."