Meet Gozg (7988290)


Gozg is an adolescent troglodyte female who is a decently skilled chickenbutcher by trade. Gozg is motivated by intestinal cramps.


Gozg is an average height troglodyte with a dull complexion and durable black scales. Gozg appears skinny and has beady eyes. Her friends describe her as charming, while others see Gozg as repellent. Physically, she appears able-bodied and fortified.


Gozg appears dread-filled, but if approached, she will act crude. When provoked, Gozg is spineless. Peers consider her clever. People who know Gozg think she is devious. Looking back, she is unrepentant of her past choices.

Gozg is rich, and is stingy with what she owns. Many would consider her unlucky and somewhat confident.

Her favorite hobby is paper models.

She considers herself an insincere worshipper of the intermediate deity Tharion Boroilg.