Welcome to The Stinky Greyhound (9163386)


The Stinky Greyhound is a familiar, dirty 1 floor temple. The tile-roofed building faces north, has three windows, and has a lap board storefront.


It is located in a seedy neighborhood of the mercy district, and is run by a crude pardii (leopardfolk) named Grotga of Brodra.


The temple is known for minimal prices for the service, and is on the verge of closing. You will find 1 customer in the temple. Business has been booming lately. The temple has a reputation for being open all hours.

Description When Found...

"You come across a familiar, dirty 1 floor temple. It has a tile roof, faces north, has three windows, and has a lap board storefront. A pardii (leopardfolk) priest appears to be in charge."