Welcome to The Elegant Urchin (4353986)


The Elegant Urchin is a small, smelly 1 floor alchemy shop. The thatch-roofed building faces northeast, has broken windows, and has a masonry storefront. Inside, you smell a foul smell, you hear a rhythmic scraping, and you see a two headed chicken wandering around.


It is located in a new neighborhood of the shops district, and is run by a jaded ogre named Guk Eaglenut.


The alchemy shop is known for minimal prices for the service, and is eerily empty. You will find 7 customers in the alchemy shop. Business has been doing great lately. The alchemy shop has a reputation for unfortunate accidents.

Description When Found...

"You come across a small, smelly 1 floor alchemy shop. It has a thatch roof, faces northeast, has broken windows, and has a masonry storefront. An ogre alchemist appears to be in charge."