Welcome to The Hilltop Toilet (4672417)


The Hilltop Toilet is a normal, damp 1 floor shipyard. The tile-roofed building faces northwest, has clean windows, and has a masonry storefront.


It is located in a nice neighborhood of the port district, and is run by an impatient catfolk named Brodra of Garmlin.


The shipyard is known for very high prices for the service, and is usually busy but is strangely quiet as of late. You will find 6 customers in the shipyard. Business has been horrible lately. The shipyard has a reputation for poor sanitation.

Description When Found...

"You come across a normal, damp 1 floor shipyard. It has a tile roof, faces northwest, has clean windows, and has a masonry storefront. A catfolk shipwright appears to be in charge."