Welcome to The Wobbly Tower (7232066)


The Wobbly Tower is a massive, clean 1 floor leathershop. The thatch-roofed building faces southwest, has stained windows, and has a mud storefront.


It is located in a seedy neighborhood of the trade district, and is run by a cautious koalinth hobgoblin named Gorog Wurmshadwr.


The leathershop is known for minimal prices for the service, and is usually empty. You will find 9 customers in the leathershop. Business has been stagnant lately. The leathershop has a reputation for being open all hours.

Description When Found...

"You come across a massive, clean 1 floor leathershop. It has a thatch roof, faces southwest, has stained windows, and has a mud storefront. A koalinth hobgoblin leatherworker appears to be in charge."