Tremble Before Dogburg Backcrusher (6291948)



  • Neutrality (8)
  • Testing (1)
  • Secret pursuits (1)
  • Sea life (1)


Dogburg Backcrusher is a modern intermediate deity who appreciates attractiveness. Dogburg is known as the god of Neutrality. He is well known in today's world.

His holy symbol is a black upside-down ankh. Dances are the preferred form of worship and butterfly swords are the favored weapon.


Dogburg Backcrusher sometimes chooses to appear as a ghostly visage before his followers, but has been known to take the form of a short, modern orc. He usually dresses in his preferred colors, black and burly wood.


While in public, imams of Dogburg may wear headdresses unique to their faith, and will often follow a Vow of Reconstruction - to reunite factions after a long and bitter feud.


Dogburg's followers are devoted, and are often pompous about their affiliation. Dogburg is thought to have over a hundred active worshipers throughout the world. Followers of Gobesh are rigidly organized.