You found a scroll (4243045)


The Moderate Scroll Of Hate is a papyrus scroll that causes a growing dislike of a person or thing. It is stored in an in pristine condition glass tube. The label on the glass tube is clearly written (and correct). The scroll itself is covered with indecipherable script. The papyrus is average quality, and the container is in pristine condition. It is considered a minor magical item. This scroll was created several months ago by Porzer the troglodyte.

Danger: This scroll carries the The Braddoro Curse causes a preoccupation with juvenile jokes, and uncontrollable giggles, and can only be undone by performing a blood sacrifice. Untreated, the effects of the curse last for a few minutes at a time..

Description If Found...

"Buried in a pile of refuse you find a glass tube containing a papyrus scroll covered with indecipherable script. The label on the glass tube is clearly written (and correct). "