You found a scroll (6442500)


The Powerful Pinkeye Scroll is a sheepskin scroll that causes drinker to suffer immediate conjunctivitis. It is stored in an in disrepair clay canister. The label on the clay canister is written in an uncommon language. The scroll itself is covered with ideograms. The sheepskin is excellent quality, and the container is in disrepair. It is considered a minor magical item. This scroll was created recently by a babirusa orc named Nammuh Backcracker.

Warning: Side effects may include sprouting feathers, which are temporary.

Danger: This scroll carries the The Shaky Hands Curse causes a 25% chance to drop whatever the victim is holding in combat situations, and can only be undone by undoing the action that lead to the curse. Untreated, the effects of the curse last for a few minutes at a time..

Description If Found...

"Locked in a chest you find a clay canister containing a sheepskin scroll covered with ideograms. The label on the clay canister is written in an uncommon language. "