Meet Tavma Entravidol (4557314)


Tavma Entravidol is a middle-aged kaunas minotaur male who is an incompetent porter by trade. Tavma is motivated to find a spouse.


Tavma Entravidol is an average height kaunas minotaur with a flushed complexion and matted graying fur. Tavma appears chubby and has haunted eyes. His friends describe him as off-putting, while others see Tavma as hideous. Physically, he appears herculean and fortified.


Tavma appears sympathetic, but if approached, he will act intimidating. When provoked, Tavma is cowardly. Peers consider him average. People who know Tavma think he is inconsistent. Looking back, he is apologetic of his past choices.

Tavma is barely getting by, and is generous with what he owns. Many would consider him unlucky and not very confident.

His favorite hobby is collecting teeth.

He considers himself a devout worshipper of the greater deity Burrmo of Gertda.