Meet Kiuzgoss seh Oressaza (5672795)


Kiuzgoss seh Oressaza is an ancient lizardfolk female who is a decently skilled tailor by trade. Kiuzgoss is motivated by something mysterious.


Kiuzgoss seh Oressaza is a tall lizardfolk with a florid complexion and durable green scales. Kiuzgoss appears skinny and has haunted eyes. Her friends describe her as off-putting, while others see Kiuzgoss as average. Physically, she appears shaky and lazy.


Kiuzgoss appears cheerful, but if approached, she will act fashion conscious. When provoked, Kiuzgoss is intrepid. Peers consider her dumb. People who know Kiuzgoss think she is faithful. Looking back, she is accepting of her past choices.

Kiuzgoss is destitute, and is generous with what she owns. Many would consider her unlucky and not very confident.

Her favorite hobby is scrapbooking.

She considers herself a dutiful worshipper of the quasi-deity Hallenava Heartstryke.